Maggie's Beautiful People Project

Ever since I was younger, I have talked about setting up a charity. With each world issue that I learned about my charity idea would change. I never had a concrete plan, I just knew that I wanted to help people. As I became more ill, it seemed less likely that I’d be able to set up my own charity; I didn’t know what was involved, I just knew that it would be a lot of work.

Then, in November 2017, a family friend passed away. Mags had been terminally ill for years, but had always been positive and put others first. She was a huge inspiration to me, and her passing hit me hard. But I knew that she wouldn’t want me to wallow in my grief. It wasn’t easy, but I tried to turn the pain of her passing into a passion to help others. It started with a small project to help a few people, and evolved into the official charity Maggie’s Beautiful People Project (SC048827). Mags would always call her friends and family ‘beautiful people’, referring not to their physical appearance, but to who they were as a person.

There has been a lot of work involved, and I have had to learn a lot very quickly. There were lots of times when it seemed as if I would never be able to make it to the stage that we are at now, able to help so many people, and we are still small. I have big plans for Maggie’s Beautiful People Project, as there are so many people out there that I want to help. When I tell people about my plans they say “remember, you can’t help everyone”. I see their point, but then I think “well, why not” because the only thing that limits us is our own imagination. Maybe I won’t manage to help everyone, but I will continue with that goal and help as many people as possible. And I hope that you will follow me on that journey and that I will inspire you to live a life of positivity and kindness, too.
